About Us

Franky and Cate is all about personality, celebration and joy.

The story of Franky and Cate is loosely (well, pretty closely actually) based on my awesome sister, Cate, and I. Whilst being complete opposites, with entirely different lives, we are fabulous friends and share all of the things that really matter. We don’t always agree but are always there for eachother and we both live life at 100%.

When it comes to clothes, jewellery and accessories, like all women, we have different colourings, different body shapes, different styles and different ways of putting things together. However, we both love beautiful pieces that are simply nothing to do with the “high street”, fashion labels, same-same, or the latest fad, and therefore Franky & Cate – Jewellery with Personality was divined.

So, Franky and Cate, the store, sells a magical range of pieces sourced and created from all over the world. Our jewellery and accessories are designed to complement your wardrobe, your unique personality and your style.

Most of all, we hope that they bring you sheer joy.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

PS: Not only does Franky and Cate reflect our philosophy, but our blog also loosely (again, pretty closely actually), reflects our crazy lives and the things we truly believe in. We’d love to invite you to read along and share the ride with us! We’re human, we’re real, we have the same quirks, joys and pain as you do and we’d love to welcome you to our online family!

PPS: In respect to full and open transparency, it’s now time for me to tell you that my sister, Cate, has nothing to do with the actual business side of the business and although she knows that she is my alter-ego muse in all things “Franky and Cate”, please don’t send fan mail to her because she simply won’t see it!